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The Sheila Divine - Where Have My Countrymen Gone - Countrymen

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Everything Or Nothing Again

Song: "Everything Or Nothing Again"
Artist: Gooding
Album: Angel/Devil

I had the privilege of working as the PR rep for this band, fronted by young guitar wizard Steve Gooding. The band had a bombastic style that mixed prog rock, arena rock, and any genre featuring a bands' guitar player. Gooding himself is a really talented singer and songwriter, but his mad skills on the guitar put him a notch above almost any unsigned artist out there. Unfortunately the band split up recently, but I'm sure Steve will continue to make music in some capacity.


jennyp said...

Remember when we saw him and he had that stand-up guitar thingy?? He wass amazing to see live.

Madison G-man said...

yes! He really is awesome